Audiovisual realtime performances, presentations, discussions and workshops
Performances, apresentações, discussões e workshops Audiovisuais em tempo real
ProgramParticipantsSponsors Contacts Roundtables/Mesas Redondas
12:00 Communities & Collectives
13:00 Collaboration

Presentations and Workshop

15:00 Mapping Festival
15:30 we[ b]link
16:00 audiographics & windowmatter
16:30 AVOL
17:00 TODAY
17:30 Modul8

Live Sets

21:00 iFomoke
21:30 Bande (o.blaat + Toshio Kajiwara)
22:00 Zone Time II
22:30 Ye77a
23:00 GoTo80 & Raquel Meyers
23:50 Lance Blisters
24:45 Rui Monteiro
01:15 SHARE.Lisbon with Live Stream

After Party

Radio Live Transmission 21:00 - 02:00
Internet Live Stream 21:00 - 02:00
Link to streaming

Sunday, 20th July 2008/ Domingo, 20 de Julho de 2008
Venue/Local: O Século, Centro de Arte Avançada
Rua do Século, n. 80
Lisbon/Lisboa, Portugal

